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This blog post was published under the 2010-2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

A look at the MOT disciplinary process

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VOSA is reviewing the disciplinary process for the MOT Scheme. Along with representatives from the trade, we have already reviewed Section I and Appendix 8 of the MOT Testing Guide, but we have more to do…

With the introduction of MOT Computerisation being the only significant update since the disciplinary process was introduced in 1988, it now needs a full review. This is to make sure that it remains fit for purpose and is in line with our philosophy of being fair, proportional and transparent.

So far, VOSA has worked closely with VTS Councils and the Trade User Group, and we have asked ourselves many questions about each part of the process:

1. Does the current points-based system work? The general view was that it does and should be retained but with some updates.

2. Should road safety be given greater weight within the process? Consideration of road safety should be foremost when deciding the final outcome of any case.

3. Is it possible to backdate a certificate or issue replacements and duplicates unjustifiably any more? Now that MOT Comp limits the information that could be altered and we have a definitive record in the online database, this is unlikely. So why not update the list of actions that require a disciplinary response to reflect the modern testing environment?

4. Is it too confusing and difficult to understand? It was felt in many areas the MOT Testing Guide and the disciplinary letters could be simplified. We are looking to make this more straightforward by considering a system similar to the police with a formal caution replacing the letters.

What quickly became apparent is that any change to the Disciplinary section has an effect on other areas of the scheme - so we are looking at a wider review than the sections of the Guide.

Credit points came up in discussion and how they are earned - a point being that they are earned by demonstrating satisfactory testing and does that mean Green VTS’ that only get a visit from VE’s are missing out on the chance to obtain credits - a fair point we thought and something we will look at.

Step by step

Now that the review is underway, a number of proposals to update the system have been put forward for consideration already with more to come. Those proposals that are accepted will, after further consultation, be worked in to the disciplinary system in the next year, hopefully making the system fair, clear and simple.


Feature image courtesy of Shutterstock images.

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