The information in this blog post may now be out of date. See how to check the MOT status of a vehicle.

Try out the vehicle enquiry service
We think this service will be useful for MOT testers and their customers when checking MOT expiry dates. One of the frustrations for testers is that when logging onto MOT Comp they discover the customer has brought their vehicle in too early for an MOT – more than a month early. The customer then often decides to take the vehicle away, leaving the tester to abort the test and log off.
Over the years, testers have asked why test expiry dates cannot be easily checked. Back before MOT Computerisation was launched in 2005, a vehicles expiry date was classed as personal data and certain information was required to prove a vested interest.
As time has marched on and after a review being carried out, it was decided that an MOT expiry date is no longer classed as personal data. This means that access to vehicle expiry dates will be much simpler in future through MOT Modernisation.
The BETA service is currently being trialled on GOV.UK.
Comment by Tony posted on
I have just checked the MOT site, it says my car has no MOT but it has and I have the certificate with me. Who should I be contacting to resolve???
Comment by ... posted on
The new tax system is rubbish. It made me lose thousands of pounds on my business because I couldn't get my car taxed so easily without log book. I don't know who thought that would make lifre easier. It just makes peoples life more difficult and absolutely volunerable towards debts.
Comment by PATRICK LENOIR posted on
Want to know how much to pay for my new disc
Comment by william newstead posted on
just tried to tax my car my direct debit, but it say there is no MOT history for the car, the MOT runs out on the 19 Nov 2014, the Directgov site confirms this, but i cant set up a monthly plan as your site says there is no MOT history, how much MOT must you have remaining to tax your car on-line via a direct debit plan???
Comment by phil posted on
how can check how much a tax disc will cost before I buy the car
Comment by mo posted on
great service thanks you
Comment by Mike posted on
Will a mobile app be available for this? We are in the motor trade so this would be very helpfull
Comment by Ana posted on
It gave me 01/05/2015 as tax and MOT due but according to dvla other site my tax is due in december. My MOT has always been November time so not sure why its come up with these dates
Comment by lisa posted on
where do i report a van with a expired mot on may 2014 it still driving it about with his kids and other peoples kids in the back
Comment by colin posted on
Its ok if you have all the required information ,but if its a car you like late at night for sale you cant check the mot because all you have is the reg.
Comment by Kael Wilson posted on
Great Post ! Now we can check online MOT status of our brand new vehicle inquiry service.It can be very useful for car owner by such an online support for MOT Test.
Comment by Martin Christopher posted on
I think it is very good although I taxed my car on 6/10/2014 and it is still showing as not taxed ?
Comment by John posted on
I have just renewed a tax disc but on the Vehicle Enquiry checker it is still saying it is due, how long does it take to update?
Comment by Brian posted on
If reg cannot be found should I be worried?
Comment by darren posted on
very helpful usefull service glad to see it
Comment by Iain posted on
I just bought a car and taxed it yesterday (Tuesday) at the post office using the tear off part of the V5 and a certificate of insurance.
Today it still shows as not taxed on the Vehicle enquiry service.
The insurance showed up on the MID today, although it wasn’t there yesterday.
How long does the Vehicle enquiry service take to show that your car is taxed?
Comment by SPH45 posted on
Worked first time want a good app
Comment by john posted on
tried my 3 vehicles..all spot on...good job
Comment by Simon Baker posted on
Extremely useful service. Works well and the results are clear.
Comment by boaby posted on
Comment by Ray posted on
This is a great service ..... Cheers.....
Comment by Dave posted on
Good app
Comment by IVDC Kamal posted on
Good vehicle enquiry services....
Comment by Robert Gunn vts number 1ala 96 posted on
i have entered 5 vehicles onto the system all searches failed
Comment by Matters of Testing posted on
Hello Robert. Thanks for your comment. The best thing to do is to email your feedback to . They might be able to help address this issue. As this is currently a BETA version of the site which is being trialled, they need your feedback to help them make improvements. Kind regards.
Comment by andy posted on
How has somebody got my mot status with just my reg number is that even possible