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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Making the move to digital for training logs

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Annual training and assessment, MOT testing service

In our April special notice (02.24), we set out the changes we’re making to how you need to record your annual training going forwards. Since the 2022/2023 training and assessment year finished in April, we have added the functionality for you to record your training digitally via MTS.  

As we go into the new training year, I want to remind you that all new training for this year will need to be captured on your digital training log.  

Providing a modern service

DVSA’s strategy and vision set out our commitment to providing a better, more modern and efficient service for all our customers. Part of this is improving the digital services we offer and making them the default option where we can.   

Improving sustainability

I blogged last year about what we’re doing to cut down on paper within the MOT, starting with asking you to consider whether you need to print a copy of a customer's MOT pass certificate for example. The move to digital training logs is part of this wider ambition to be more sustainable where we can.   

Making it easier for you

As the paper used for training logs can sometimes be damaged or lost, this change will make it quicker and easier for you to access your training from different locations when it’s convenient. It also makes it easier for you to show any DVSA colleagues your training log. We carried out lots of user research before making this change, to make sure the new log was easy to use and worked for testers. 

Where to record training in MTS

To record training, you will need to access the training log section within your MTS profile. This will then give you the option to record the amount of time you spent training, what you covered and what you learnt. Most of you will have already had a look through this new section, but if you haven’t, I’d encourage you to familiarise yourself with it.  

GOV UK page where testers access their MTS profile.

GOV UK page where testers access their training logs.

We know some of you use external training providers to complete your training, who may have provided a training record for you. On the new system you will need to enter your record of this training yourself, so it captures what you have individually learnt.  

Sharing your training record with others

From the middle of June, we will be releasing additional functionality to the service to allow others within your organisation, such as your Authorised Examiner Designated Manager (AEDM) or authorised examiners (AE), to view others' training logs.  

We will provide this information by vehicle test station (VTS), then by testing class, to make it easy for you to find the right tester’s log.  

GOV UK page showing the service reports.

GOV UK page showing a testers annual training log.

We know many managers have found our new tool to extract tester annual assessment results in an excel spreadsheet format really useful. We’re working over the next few months to make the same available for viewing training log information in bulk. We’ll let you know once we’ve made these additional changes live. 

 We hope these changes will make it easier, and more efficient for you, as we move through this year's annual training year. 

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  1. Comment by jason goodings posted on

    I am a mechanic and mot tester, not a computer wizz or secretary so i find uploading my training very hard and takes a long time especially as i have to make comments on every thing i do or learn. often i haven't learnt a thing. i get my boss mad because i have spent two hours training and dvsa count it as 30mins. i spend more time writing on there than i do texting the miss in a mouth

  2. Comment by Lintern Stephenson posted on

    Would it not be easier if we could automatically update our training log if we are using a approved training company.

  3. Comment by Tommy posted on

    Seems most want the auto upload of training records by the training providor. It would be handy in a time saving basis as the mot scheme for NT's/AE's is becoming more and more time demanding. My only issue with this is that the information/feedback will become repetitive/robotic thus removing individuality which I feel we need to better identify issues going forward.

  4. Comment by Ian Saunders posted on

    I believe it would be more efficient and beneficial to all party's involved if the Third party training would be allowed to be automatically uploaded to the DVSA system. Could you make this happen?

  5. Comment by karl Thomas posted on

    DVSA should allow mot juice to automatically send across our each completed training CPD or dvsa session as we have already completed and review and would save time in a sense uploading this and recording this twice. As everything is going digital now. surely cant be that hard

  6. Comment by james posted on

    The system needs to be automated, its easy tech and could be done through a simple API. why over complicate something that could be so simple

  7. Comment by lawrence posted on

    I understand the need to record annual training but having to manually add it to your mot profile, especially when said annual training is completed via companies like mot juice which automatically keep a log of everything you do, seems like such a waste of time. it would be nice if it could be automatically uploaded from external training providers.

  8. Comment by Chris Price posted on

    Hi Clive

    Yes we could although when we did have mandatory QC recording on the system it did become a box ticking exercise rather than a good quality control measure.
    I do think that training is linked to quality, I would like to see that during a QC check when areas of concern are highlighted that the tester records some training in that area and references that it was picked up in a recent QC check.
    So I would like to build on the training logs to help to improve quality where testers can reference QC checks as the reason they focused on a specific training need, one would hope this would then show a change in the TQI for that tester, the net result is quality has improved.

  9. Comment by John Lillingstone posted on

    Please could the upload of training data become automated as this is now being recorded in multiple places.

    Not only is it time consuming to record on the MTS as well as the already recorded data on MOT juice there is less chance of inaccuracies if this becomes automated.

    • Replies to John Lillingstone>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  10. Comment by Peter posted on

    It would be a much better system if the logs were uploaded automatically.

    • Replies to Peter>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  11. Comment by Zacc posted on

    Making our lives even more difficult! - Just let MOT Juice do it for us!

    • Replies to Zacc>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  12. Comment by Mr Christian Height posted on

    I feel it would be very advantageous for MOT Juice to be able to upload tester training records on behalf of the tester, once monitored training is completed, for training requiring record keeping.

    • Replies to Mr Christian Height>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  13. Comment by balbinder gangar posted on

    If the company i work for pay an outside intermediary for us remain compliant and high light areas that are of concern then surely they should be allowed to upload training completed for testers.
    In our ever busy day to day jobs it is a god send that we are reminded that there is outstanding training to complete via these companies.
    You will be putting jobs at risk and lose experts in this ever demanding role of being an mot tester

    • Replies to balbinder gangar>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  14. Comment by Lewis guy posted on

    It would be so much easier if the training provider can automatically update our training on the MTS like the exam

    • Replies to Lewis guy>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  15. Comment by david plummer posted on

    MOT JUICE users should be able to have the digital upload done for them as this function is already in place,it seems pointless for testers to do it when it can be done for them using MOT JUICE.

    • Replies to david plummer>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  16. Comment by Richard Smith posted on

    Would be easier if you guys let training providers upload it on our behalf just like our annual assessment results - all this does is create more work for those of us who are testing. feels like we're constantly being given more and more admin tasks increasing the pressure and stress in the industry - something is going to give soon unless you consider the people actually on the ground

    "We hope these changes will make it easier, and more efficient for you" - in what possible way does this make it easier for us??

    • Replies to Richard Smith>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  17. Comment by gmc posted on

    why cant we have an automatic upload from our training providers to the mts its not like we havent already got enough to do

    • Replies to gmc>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  18. Comment by mark posted on

    what do you accept as authentic/genuine training material?
    youtube videos? reading a book or manual? watching or talking to another tester?
    in other words will there be a requirement to source registered or authorised material that carry certificate numbers or identifiable means where you can follow such training up?

    • Replies to mark>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      Hi Mark

      Details on the type of training and what can be used are detailed in the link below. But there are lots of different ways to be trained that are different for each person and their needs, yes a course is a good way to be trained but equally gaining knowledge from other testers and managers in your test station is also good as well as reading MOT related documents or watching videos. It is about finding a medium that works for you on the subjects you wish to improve on or learn about, and them in simple terms not a large volume of text record what you have learnt.

  19. Comment by Baz at CCM posted on

    Will the AEC get access ?

    • Replies to Baz at CCM>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      Hi Baz

      Yes shortly the AE Consultants role will have read only access to training logs of testers associated to the AE's they are assigned to.

      We will shortly be releasing an update to allow the following roles to be able to view tester training.
      AE Consultant
      AE Delegate
      AE Examiner Designated Manager
      AE Principle
      Site Manager
      Site Admin

      • Replies to Chris Price>

        Comment by Barry posted on

        Great to hear, thanks Chris

  20. Comment by Simon Ott posted on

    I do my training online with MoTJuice. The training log is stored digitally on their system. With an aim to provide a modern service, maintaining sustainability and making it easier for us, could we make it possible for the record within the Juice system to be automatically uploaded to the DVSA system. This is what happens with our annual assessments so it shouldn't be impossible. The system in place at the moment makes extra work for us and is far from streamlined

    • Replies to Simon Ott>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  21. Comment by Scott posted on

    I would like to suggest that where a lot of us use external online training providers (eg Mot Juice) to allow for functionality where by training is uploaded automatically to respective profiles once completed. I believe this would be most helpful.
    I can't see this would be a serious technical problem as this already happens with the annual exam certificates

    • Replies to Scott>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

      • Replies to Chris Price>

        Comment by Scott posted on

        Well at the end of each training module especially in Mot Juice you have to review the training you have done and type in manually what you have learnt etc. So it is the Mot tester and not the training provider that is commenting.
        Seems more like a money saving exercise as we all know it costs to change the system. As per usual taking the burden off yourselves and putting it on to the trade.
        Kind of glad i won't be in this game for too much longer!

  22. Comment by Paul Walker posted on

    Return to the refresher course, where you actually learned something. Online learning doesn't work, you are constantly interrupted and learn nothing. Too much time is spent finding things on the computer, and nothing on the practical side. I also believe too much emphasis is put on disciplinary points, when the majority of testers are doing a good job.

    • Replies to Paul Walker>

      Comment by richard smith posted on

      Online learning has benefits as well as its pitfalls, just like every single type of teaching/learning method. Classroom based also has its pitfalls - what's important is that there is a choice of learning options so that the individuals can pick the best way that works for them - online learning is a far more accessible way of learning and allows people to work at their own pace. switching to a single method of training would be detrimental as you would instantly alienate those that struggle to learn in the way decided. there are still classroom based training solutions available if you prefer that model.

    • Replies to Paul Walker>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      Hi Paul

      Not all training has to be online, please see details in the link below. Training can be conducted in the garage face to face or by reading MOT related documents.

    • Replies to Paul Walker>

      Comment by Mark Marsden posted on

      Totally agree

    • Replies to Paul Walker>

      Comment by Simon R posted on

      I agree with your comment Paul, along with all the testers at my testing station and other testers I speak to. Nothing can replace face to face training with a DVSA member of staff, if there any queries we can get answers straight from the horses mouth. Unless we get 100% in the online assessment we could still be doing something incorrectly?

      • Replies to Simon R>

        Comment by Paul Walker posted on

        So let's bring back, refresher course, but annually.

  23. Comment by Luke Thorold posted on

    It would be excellent if the DVSA would allow for automated uploads of records from those online services many testers are already using (like MOT Juice, for example). Much like how they already allow examining bodies to automatically upload the exam results/certificate numbers.

    Without that, for many of us it is duplicating our work- with resultant efficiency losses. That matters when you're on the clock!

    It would also, potentially, mean that many of us would have five years of records online with the DVSA, as those services already have them.

    • Replies to Luke Thorold>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

      • Replies to Chris Price>

        Comment by Luke Thorold posted on

        I agree this is a useful aim, and I can see the downfall you suggest... But, the previous standard (ie the tester's own reflections) was being applied to the online training providers too. I had to put my reflections as a comment on my training.

        Now, instead of porting all that across I have to replicate the exact same comments and reflections ASWELL as the formerly provided-by-the-training-provider list of what the training was specifically on.

        Both of those should be recorded, and were being before April. Now they are being recorded twice, with the resultant loss of productivity because it needs to be typed up on the MTS. Allowing training providers the ability to port this across would save time. MTS already allows this with exams, my request is for it to be allowed on CPD too.

        A further downfall is that a lot of the online training was designed to make it easy for the less computer literate amongst us. This works completely against that.

  24. Comment by rob posted on

    hypocrites, saving paper saves you money ? what about the extra expense of having to pay an outside agency to come and calibrate your equipment that you have been doing yourself without issut for years, and of course it may be o.k. for people that sit behind a computer all day but as for a working garage it is more time consuming to enter loads of stuff on the computer especially if you are not computer literate (such as myself) these people who sit behind a computer all day want to get out of their chairs and try running a working garage

    • Replies to rob>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      Hi Rob

      Glad to see you managed to add a comment on the blog, recording your training on MTS takes a similar time and requires the same level of IT skills so you should be well equipped.

    • Replies to rob>

      Comment by Mark Marsden posted on

      Totally agree this assessment stuff isn't fit for purpose

  25. Comment by Ben posted on

    Just a shame you can’t allow a training provider to copy and paste training logs automatically

    Really should think about changing this

    • Replies to Ben>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

  26. Comment by Mark Marsden posted on

    Why what is the point it's stressing enough doing the assessment every year are you trying to get the older testers out I'm 61 don't need this it should have been age related a bit like pensions, going to lose a lot of good testers with proper common sense, why don't we start testing cars by AI and do away with common sense

    • Replies to Mark Marsden>

      Comment by Chris Price posted on

      Hi Mark

      The request to centralise and record training in MTS came from the trade, so we have acted on this request from you and built this tool for you to make it easier to track training.
      We acknowledge the requests to allow uploading from third parties, however the training record is a personal record of your training, it should be what you have learned and not what the training provider is stating they have taught you. You can also write how you might change as a result of what you have learnt and how you might do things differently.
      Much like how the paper training records were completed by the tester this should be the same, it should be what you have learned in your own words and not simply entered by a third party.
      As with all new IT things evolve and we will continue to improve to meet your needs, but this is a tool for testers to record their training not training providers.

      • Replies to Chris Price>

        Comment by mark marsden posted on

        im the only tester where i work so if i dont pass the garage shuts go back to doing refresher courses when you couldnt fail but make it 2 yearly with a fee ,because these assesments are all about making money

  27. Comment by Clive posted on

    Can we please have a similar structure for QC