How to claim your MOT testing service account
You’ll need to claim your account to use the new MOT testing service. This process will allow you to set your own password, register your email address and enter answers to the security questions used to verify your identity when contacting the MOT testing service desk.
1) Go to so you can log in.
2) Enter your existing MOT Computerisation User ID into the ‘User Name’ box and the ‘One Time Password’ (which was sent to your VTS device / MOT Comp Mailbox) into the ‘Password’ box and click ‘Log In’.
3) You’ll then be directed to the ‘Claim account’ page.
Enter your email address
4) Enter an existing email address for your account. This email should be unique, personalised and one which only you have access to. It’ll only be used to reset your account login details if you forget them. Enter the email address again to ‘confirm email address’.
5) You also have the option to select ‘I don’t want to supply an email address’. (Please note: If you don’t supply an email address you’ll have to wait for future replacement passwords to be sent out by post).
This means you won’t be able to access the MOT testing service until it your new password arrives. This can take up to 5 days.
Set your password
6) To access the MOT testing service you’ll need to create a password.
Your password must:
- contain AT LEAST 8 characters
- contain AT LEAST 1 number
- be a mix of UPPER and lower case letters
7) Enter your password into the first box and then re-enter it to make sure it’s been typed correctly. Green ticks will appear when the password rules have been met.
8) Select ‘Continue to security questions’.
Set your security questions
Your security questions will be used to recover your account if you forget your password when calling the BSD.
9) Choose a memorable question and answer for questions 1 and 2.
You may find it useful to write down the answers to these questions, but please keep them safe and secure.
10) Select ‘Continue to PIN number’.
Set your PIN number
11) The new service will generate your 6-digit PIN.
You’ll use your PIN to confirm your identity once you’re signed into the MOT testing service and using certain testing functions (eg entering test results). You’ll also be asked for your PIN when calling the BSD.
You can use the MOT testing service to set a new PIN at any time but you won’t be able to choose your own number. The new service will always set this for you. Therefore, you may find it useful to write down you PIN, but please keep it safe and secure.
12) Select ‘Save and continue’. You’ll now be able to view your homepage and start using the MOT testing service.