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This blog post was published under the 2010-2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Online survey shows most MOT garages are ready to move to new testing service

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An ongoing DVSA online survey has shown that most garages are confident they’ll be ready to switch over to the new MOT testing service by April 2015.

The survey was emailed to authorised examiners (AEs) asking them to confirm whether they’ll have the right IT in place to switchover later this year.

So far, 96% of respondents - around 7,200 AEs have confirmed their sites will be ready. Their answers revealed that:

  • 50% plan to use standalone PCs to record test results
  • 25% plan to use laptops to record test results
  • 13% plan to use tablets to record test results

We’ll be contacting these sites ahead of April to update them on the next stages of the switchover process – including sending them their switchover dates.

We’ve already started contacting and offering guidance to AEs who are unsure whether they’ll be ready.

Emailing more surveys

In the meantime, we’ll continue to email out surveys to those AEs who have not yet managed to complete a survey.

Head of MOT Scheme Modernisation Neil Barlow said: “First of all, we’d like to thank the thousands of AEs who’ve taken the time to complete the survey and confirmed they’re ready to switch over.

“We now have email addresses for most of the 20,000-plus AEs across the UK, but we need the rest to check and update their VTS device email details - so we can email them a survey.

“If they can complete their surveys by the end of January then we can concentrate on sending out switchover dates to those who are ready to make the move.

“It’ll also mean we can more readily identify and contact those sites who’ll need our help and support to switch to the new service.”

How to get the survey

To make sure you receive the survey, please update or add your Authorised Entity (Business) ‘Correspondence email address’ on your VTS device.

If you’ve already completed the survey then you don’t have to do so again and don’t have to check your email address.

To find out how to update your email address please read MOT Modernisation: update your VTS device details.

Contacting us

If you have any problems or feedback please email and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.

Please don’t contact your Area Office, the DVSA Customer Service Centre or Atos Helpdesk. They won’t be able to answer your questions.

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  1. Comment by andrew posted on

    how do I check if dvsa have recived my rediness report ( no acnolagment)

  2. Comment by stoneyo posted on

    cant wait to see the hackers @ work and the usual internet collapse

  3. Comment by martin posted on

    is the computer we have as vts devise naw completely outdated .is the pc we will be buyin completely difrent cystem .and isit posibull to use te old printer

    • Replies to martin>

      Comment by Steve posted on

      I have just been to a I.T. business a few weeks ago about the changeover and they seem to know their stuff. I have just bought a computer package ready for the switch over and they have helped me with the internet issues I was having too. I personally would still use a PC over a laptop or tablet.

  4. Comment by ken howard posted on

    why cant testers be taught how to test all classes of vehicles at the time of applying for their licence which would allow them to test all classes,and refresher courses be taken online

  5. Comment by mark mitchell posted on

    i dont know who your survey but its not me i still dont have internet in my station yet and my friend who also has a station is the same its about time use got out off your offices and met some of the station owners face to face it is amazing what you can learn in the real world

    • Replies to mark mitchell>

      Comment by Austin Morris posted on

      Just a shame that the new MOT testing service ain't ready for the majority of garages to switch over to it 🙂 Somebody somewhere must be held accountable for this shambles . It is bringing the whole system into disrepute with the public and creating serious problems between VTS and customer . A VERY public apology in national media might help customers understand the situation . It shouldn't be left to the garages to have to explain to every vehicle presenter why they are not getting a proper MOT certificate and will not be able to tax their car .