We’ve now started sending out the new MOT security cards to all trade users of the MOT testing service, that’s over 73,000 people. Over the next 6 weeks, we’ll be sending around 2,500 cards every day.
During that time, site managers at each vehicle testing station (VTS) will receive a pack containing the new security cards for their testers. If you’re a site manager, you’ll need to give them to your team and make sure they activate them.
If you’re a tester and you haven’t received your security card by 8 December, let your site manager know and they’ll order one online for you.
Tester feedback
Many testers have already activated their card and are using it to access and use the service.
I know that some of you have had concerns, however those who are already using the cards have told us that:
- the cards are easy and straightforward to activate and the instructions that come with the pack are helpful
- they quickly got used to using their cards
- knowing there’s an added security layer to protect personal information is a good thing
Activating your card
When you get your security card, you’ll need to activate it straight away. It’s easy to do, just follow the prompts on your login screen.
Remember, your current PIN will be switched off later in December which means you won’t be able to use the MOT testing service unless you’ve activated your card.
Read more information about the new MOT security cards.
Comment by Chris posted on
You say that the site manager will be able to order cards? How as I'm a site manager but cant access anything because the system says I need a card first and still havn't received it from October.
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Chris,
Sorry you haven't received your card. You can order your cards here http://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/Orderextracards/
Comment by carl posted on
Comment by David posted on
I just received my card today.
I can't see how this will be better than a number stored in my head .
Seems to me like a waste of time .
That's just my opinion ?
Comment by mike posted on
I have logged in with the 2 security questions because I forgot my card' now I have the card how do I log back in with the card....
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Mike,
You'll be should be able to log into the service as normal now that you've found your card. However, If you've logged into the service by answering your security questions then you won't be able to log in using your security card until the following day.
Comment by Rober posted on
My card only lasted 3 days then said number not recognised.
To save waiting on the phone for 15 min I had to report it damaged and reorder.
Comment by karen posted on
cards arrived this morning, not enough for test station so immediately had to order more. Logged on ok with cards received but seriously do not see how this is more secure than previous system. We are having to pay for more stuff, equipment, training etc but the price has not been reduced!!!!
Comment by Nissar Mohammed posted on
Received my card today. Very happy with it. I believe its good for security. only nag is you have to put pin number at the start. But otherwise happy days.
Comment by prb5244 posted on
i have used my card with no problem for a week my site manager has not activated his is there a cut off time when the functions on his account stops functioning we use a agancy tester at weekend and he has to put him on and off
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
He'll need to activate his card before December 15. After that date, you won't be able to log on to the MOT testing service without a security card.
Comment by Nissar Mohammed posted on
Still waiting on the cards. Looking forward to using them. I think it will vastly improve security.
Comment by steve posted on
just opened up envelope with 2x cards one works and one doesn't that's a 50% fail already what a load of rubbish!!!!! and this is the future ha
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Steve,
Sorry you got a card that didn't work. So far only a handful of cards out of the thousands we've sent out haven't functioned correctly. If you need to order a new one you can order one here http://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/Orderextracards/
Comment by Tim posted on
I'm using the new card and I think what is the point of adding the pin at the front of the test???
The old pin was used to complete the test..The last thing you did to confirm and print the certificate just like the old system it meant that your first layer of security was used to log onto the system start a test, add defects and so on but in order to complete the test or change vehicle details (colour, class; van to camper for example) but more importantly to issue a result you needed your pin.
WHY is the new pin used at the front, log on user/password then pin, if you keep the device refreshed you can log a result without another security layer.
Does DVSA know that internet explorer can be re-opened and have page re-freshed after a tester walks away from a PC so without that last minute pin input that test could be resulted in the office while the tester is in the workshop.
Note to testers; NEVER JUST SHUT DOWN THE BROWSER WITHOUT FIRST SIGNING OUT! and also use crome or Mozilla not internet explorer as IE can be re-freshed before your log on times out.
As a tester I like the new card its a shame its not an ID photo/push button code card.
Why oh Why have we lost the last line of defence of the "cant issue a ticket without a pin"?
Comment by Stephen posted on
Tried 6 different codes, still would'nt let me in. 15 mins on the phone to speak to a HUMAN.
Why can't we have a direct line straight through too speak to someone. What a load of rubbish
Comment by Ian posted on
What an extreme waste of money how many times has the system been hacked and what could you actually do on the system without being traced
Comment by Thomas posted on
Why don't we have a form of chip and pin reader at the station then all tests will have to be done properly and securley
Comment by Richard posted on
The new card only makes your log in to the MOT all the time your are using it (prevention against key log hackers) What it will not do is improve the MOT security ie you can issue an MOT from anywhere that has access to the internet unlike the old one that was tied to a phone line. Its about as secure as the Tester who holds the card.
Comment by Lou posted on
I'm the site manager / admin. I don't do MOT tests as I'm not a registered tester, but do I still get a card so that I can access the system?
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Lou,
You will get a security card. We'll be sending out packs of security cards to every VTS. In the pack, there will be enough security cards for everyone who uses MOT testing service at your VTS. If you don't receive enough cards you'll be able to order more.
Comment by ian posted on
what happens if you don't answer the security questions correctly. i don't have a clue what i put for my significant date i picked from years ago,
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Ian,
If you don't remember your security questions you can reset them on the 'Your profile' page. Under 'Account security' you'll need to click 'Change your security questions' to reset them.
Comment by Dave posted on
If you loose the card . Do you have to report it to DVSA or Police ? How many days can you login with out the card ?? Will the DVSA offer or sell a compatable lanyard holder ? How many cards a year are we allowed to have and will we have to pay for them ? Regards Dave.
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Dave,
No, if you lose your card you don't have to report it. Once the card is activated it's linked to that user so it can't be used by anyone else.
If your card is lost or broken and you have ordered a replacement card, you can log in to the service by answering security questions for a maximum of 5 days. Your replacement will arrive within that five day period.
No, we won't be providing or selling a lanyard holder for the card.
We don't have a set figure for how many cards can be requested per year. However, DVSA reserves the right to charge for replacement cards if it's found that people are abusing the free card service.
Comment by R Malik posted on
Its a bad, bad policy . you are going to through spanner in the works..
We are not amused !
There was nothing wrong with the old system .
A very unhappy freelance tester .?
Comment by Lloyd posted on
I have to now do 10 test,s a day on a new ATL lane things keep changing the job is getting harder I think at the age of 58 Its time to GET OUT !!! change for change sake all the time and not for the better its a joke
Comment by mark tainton posted on
what if have not tested for a number of years?or presently not employed by a vehicle testing station?
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Mark,
If you haven't tested for a number of years then you'll need to take the MOT annual training course and assessment, including a demonstration test. If you haven't tested for over 5 years you'll need to undertake the 'Becoming a Tester' training programme.
Once you have completed your training you'll be able to order a security card via the MOT testing service prior to your demonstration test.
If you have tested within the last six months but aren't presently employed at a vehicle testing station then we can send a card to your home address. If this is the case, you'll need to contact the MOT testing service via mot@vosa.gsi.gov.uk before 9 December to let us know.
Kind Regards
Comment by Graeme posted on
Hi what if im a tester but I'm away from testing not registered with a garage for testing how do I get at card
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Graeme,
As long as you have been actively testing within the last 6 months, you should contact the MOT testing service on mot@vosa.gsi.gov.uk to get a card. If you do this before the 9 December a card can be arranged to be sent to an address of your choice.
Comment by d bradley-scrivener posted on
sounds very similar to the old smart card system so we can go back to storage and use that was in place 18 months ago so to speak
Comment by Casper posted on
Tried this morning to assign a tester , unable to do so as a security card is required ????
We have not yet received any cards .
How do I explain this to my customers ?
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Casper,
Firstly, the person being assigned as a tester should order a card via the MOT testing service. Then they should call the Business Service Desk on 0330 123 5654, the desk will enable them to carry on testing while they wait for delivery of their card.
Comment by Tony Gregory posted on
That number doesn't work. Tony south wales
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Tony,
Sorry about that, was a typo - have updated the above comment to the right number which is 0330 123 5654.
Comment by darren posted on
so why need a card in the first place if you can still log on without it
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Darren,
Logging in using security questions is only a temporary measure that needs to be there for occasions where testers lose, forget or damage their card. As mentioned in our previous blogs about the security card the new security cards are something we needed to introduce to add an extra layer of security to your account.
The card produces a unique number every time you log into the service. By using this unique number to log in it'll prevent attacks from things like keylogger trojans. A keylogger trojan can record all the keystrokes you enter into your computer without you knowing.
Comment by bob posted on
we have been using the cards for a week and the issue i see is the card is so thin and flimsy that you cant put it in your wallet etc it will snap.
can the card be left on the mot desk area so as to avoid the card breaking
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Bob,
The cards might seem thin but they are built to withstand day to day use in a garage environment. We've tested dropping, bending and even stamping on the cards and they've continued to work. You should treat it like a personal bank or credit card and keep it safe place this could be in your wallet, on a lanyard, or somewhere else it's up to you.
Comment by steven wildbore posted on
Steve; Regarding on line testing do we do it our selves, or is it the responsibility of our AE or station manager.
Comment by charles posted on
I love that you give "Tester Feedback" when you haven't sent them out yet !!!
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Charles,
Over 2,000 testers have received their security cards, activated them and are successfully using them.
Comment by Andy posted on
Where will the card be sent to if you test at more than one testing station?
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Andy,
Your card will be sent to the VTS at where you conducted your most recent test.
Comment by RICHARD DUNCAN posted on
If a tester is currently testing at two test stations do both stations issue the tester a card or is one card usable at both stations
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Richard,
The tester will only need one card. Once he's activated it he can use it at any VTS.
Comment by Gav posted on
Just seems a total waste of money. What's wrong with the current password & PIN number at the moment? Just seem to change things for no reason. Even today the way you fill in rfrs has changed & it's no better than before!!
Comment by Michael posted on
Is there a video link to show the card system working thanks michael
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Michael,
We haven't produced a video, however, we are sending out instructions with all the cards which explain how to activate and use the card. You can also find more information about the cards here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/use-your-mot-testing-security-card
Comment by David posted on
How do you get your card if your not at the moment testing ? As not working there any more?
Having a break from working in garage,
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi David,
If you're going back to work at your existing VTS then there should be a card for you already there.
If it's not there, or you're going to a different VTS, the site manager will be able to order you a card.
If you're not returning to work till after the full roll out (in the new year) then you should contact the Business Service Desk helpline on 0330 123 5654 before you return to work to order a card. It'll take 3-5 days for the card to arrive, so you'll need to do it before you return to work at the VTS.
Comment by Alan Taylor posted on
I am on two systems ie two garages will you send to the garage where i test more often?
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Alan,
The card will be sent to the VTS where you last tested / accessed the service.
Comment by mark posted on
I don't believe mot testers said this is a good thing we are manual workers not office wallers
Comment by alan deakin posted on
i work at 8 different sites will i require one card or one at each site?
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Alan,
You'll only need one card. Once you've activated it you can use it at any VTS.
Comment by STEVEN posted on
Is there a system in place to use a spare card for just one day if your own card is left at home e.t.c
Comment by Thomas (DVSA) posted on
Hi Steven,
You'll still be able to log into the system and test if you forget your card by answering 2 security questions.
A vehicle testing station won't get a spare card, as once a card is activated it's linked to one user only and can't be reallocated to anyone else.