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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Reviewing the Authorised Examiner Designated Manager (AEDM) role

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Vehicle tester in navy overalls holding a notepad inputs details on a computer inside a blue and white garage

The role of a trained person to manage MOT garage activities was first introduced in 1995 and became known as the Authorised Examiner Designated Manager (AEDM) in 2005.

The AEDM’s role is really important, as they make sure that garages have the right approach and checks in place to maintain MOT test standards and procedures.

After consultation with the MOT industry, we’ve been working to make the responsibilities of the AEDM clearer.

As part of these changes, we’re also going to make the Authorised Examiner Principal (AEP) a formal role on the MOT testing service (MTS). New AEPs will get access to MTS for the first time and be able to see data relating to their Authorised Examiner (AE) and Vehicle Testing Station (VTS) records.

Making things clearer

We’re making changes to the AEDM position so it’s clearer what the AEDM is responsible for. This will help people that carry out the role to be more effective.

By making these changes, we’re recognising the importance of the AEDM role in the MOT service.

We know there is currently some confusion about who manages the AEDM role in a garage. It may be that the wrong person in the company has been trained for the job, or they’re not clear about what the role involves.

Some AEDMs are not accessing MTS, which means there are times when they’re not monitoring the MOT activities or they’re delegating the AEDM work to others.

This can lead to a lack of engagement by AEDMs, which affects the level of management and supervision in the MOT station.

Expanding who can be an AEDM

To address this, we’re changing the eligibility of the AEDM role. It can now be held by either:

  • an AEP
  • a senior manager in the business

This means that the AEDM no longer has to be an AEP, opening opportunities for more people to perform the AEDM role.

Better explanation of the AEDM role

We’ve updated the MOT testing guide to define the tasks and responsibilities of the AEDM role, as well as other roles in the MOT testing service.

We hope this will give you a clearer description of the roles and how they fit into the MOT testing service.

It’s important you have a look at these descriptions and familiarise yourself with them.

Action you may need to take

MOT garages who make a change to their approval (for example by adding or removing an AEP, or changing their AEDM) will need to complete a VT01 form.

Each AEP will also need to create a personal account on MTS.

Doing this will give the AEP access to MTS, which is a new feature we’re adding. AEPs will get to see data relating to their AE and VTS records.

Further changes

We’ll soon be consulting with the industry on further proposals for the development of the AEDM role. This will cover:

  • appropriate and proportionate sanctions
  • restrictions on the number of AEs an AEDM can represent
  • annual training and assessments for AEDMs

We’ll also look at how we can improve the other role descriptions in the MOT service. We’ll blog more about these upcoming changes in the next few months. In the meantime, please leave any questions you might have below and we’ll get back to you.

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  1. Comment by Michael Williams posted on

    Am I correct in thinking, If I am opening a new VTS, I can nominate a senior manager to attend the AEDM course and fill that roll, but will one of the AEPs also have to complete the managers course ?

    • Replies to Michael Williams>

      Comment by Julia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Michael Yes, if the AEDM is a senior manager who is not an AEP, one of the AEPs must also complete the MOT manager course. See Special notice 02-22 for details of this change.
      Note- whether or not the AEDM is a senior manager or/and AEP they must be a person who has an overall view of the entire MOT business. It must be a person who can authorise and effect change, rather than just report what is needed to those with the power to effect the change.

  2. Comment by Alan Heckford posted on

    Hi we are a Ltd company I am the AEDM can I hand the role to another AE director or do we fill the form in

    • Replies to Alan Heckford>

      Comment by Julia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Alan If you want to change your AEDM you will need to submit a VT01 form – see Special Notice 02-22 (What do I need to do) Note- the AEDM must be a person who has an overall view of the entire MOT business. It must be a person who can authorise and effect change, rather than just report what is needed to those with the power to effect the change

  3. Comment by David BS posted on

    the possibility of training for the AEDM role might push other out of testing as they are getting tired of how complicated its getting

  4. Comment by ian kerry posted on

    Hi do we know what date these changes are coming in as were about to fill in a new vt01 form for a new bay,
    many thanks ian.

  5. Comment by Cassandra posted on

    I fail to see the point of adding yet more hoops for businesses to jump through.
    Surely the vast majority of experienced AE’s or AEDM’s are already competent in their roles and adding the requirement of yet more annual tests and training just puts further unnecessary pressure on small businesses still trying to recover from the pandemic.
    Do we then assume that alongside the training and assessment for NT’s, that should an AEDM fail the assessment all their VTS’s will be required to stop testing until they pass?
    I would point out that there are many people who are both knowledgeable and competent within the industry, yet they struggle with a timed assessment.

    • Replies to Cassandra>

      Comment by Julia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Cassandra We agree that there are experienced and very competent AEs & AEDMs, However as the blog states, there is also some confusion about who should hold the AEDM and what their responsibilities are. The reason for this change is to try and ensure the correct person is doing this role and they clearly understand the expectations of the role holder.

  6. Comment by Michelle McPhillips posted on

    Can someone who is listed at Companies House as being a beneficial owner of a business be the AEDM?

    Thank you.

    • Replies to Michelle McPhillips>

      Comment by Julia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Michelle To stay within our rules and guidelines the AEDM must be either an AE Principal, defined as either the sole trader, director as registered at companies house or partner in a partnership. The AE can also nominate a senior manager employed by the business if that person fits our guidance.

      If they are registered as a director of the company they can be the AEDM, if they are not registered and are not a senior manager running the MOT Ops then they can’t.

      The position should be help by someone who will be of benefit to the running of the MOT operations and the maintenance of standards and compliance.

  7. Comment by Rodney David athinson posted on

    Since the not so new smart card incarnation of the system was implemented I as a site manager have not had the facility to order test slots I have to rely upon my ae to acheivie this quite simple but important task in running an mot station. Is there a way this little but annoyingly inconvenience can be resolved?

    • Replies to Rodney David athinson>

      Comment by Julia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Rodney In MOT computerisation (the old system) MOT slots were purchased by individual sites, this meant where an AE had multiple sites, each site was responsible for purchasing their own slots and in many cases meant multiple transactions had to be carried out.

      When the MOT testing service was launched in 2015 slot purchases moved to the Authorised Examiner, therefore slot purchases have to be made by either the AEDM or an AED role holder.

      In your case if the AEDM requires you to carry out slot purchases or other AE functions they can delegate them to you and allocate the AED role to you. However, you may want to check whether the AEDM does not want to do this or they may not understand the responsibilities of the their role.

  8. Comment by Russell Hill posted on

    It is a really good idea to update these roles. Often the AEDM rarely gets involved in the day to day running of the site(s).

    I would also include the MOT site managers in annual training as they are the ones that are more likely to carry out the work.

    I wil be interested to see where the DVSA think the role of AEC evolves.

  9. Comment by Michael Williams posted on

    You say that Each AEP will also need to create a personal account on MTS. does this mean existing AEP or new AEP

    • Replies to Michael Williams>

      Comment by Julia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Michael This applies to new applicants or current AEs making a changing to their approval. Please refer to MOT special notice 02-22 for further information.