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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

The changing face of the MOT testing service

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Matters of testing

After listening to your feedback, we’ve made a few changes to how and when MOT information is presented as part of our ongoing process to improve the MOT testing service.

We’ve changed the way brake weights and site assessment risk score information appear. So you’ll now be shown a vehicle’s brake weight on the ‘confirm test’ page – where you need it – rather than on the ‘Test results’ page.

Meanwhile, your site assessment risk score and band (up until mid-September 2015) can be found on your ‘site details’ page (if you’ve had an assessment since, this will be updated early in the new year).


Recording contingency tests

Since the official launch of the service, we’ve been working hard to improve it by correcting most of the existing issues.

For example, you can now enter the time of a contingency test when you record these details. Just remember to make a note of the time of the test so you’ve got something to refer back to.

This means site managers will no longer receive incorrect reports that contingency tests have been carried out at 1am.

Extra functions added

Other functions we’ve introduced since the service went live in September 2015 include making sure:

  • contingency codes are automatically available via a fall-over page
  • all MOT trade users can remove themselves from a role at a particular AE or site
  • Reasons for Rejection (RFRs) listed within the service link to the relevant sections of the MOT inspection manual
  • test numbers and vehicle identification numbers (VINs) appear on test reports and all users can see the test logs for their site

This is all part of our aim to act on your feedback and make sure we build a service which suits your specific needs.

What's coming up?

With that in mind, we’re currently looking at improving the pages you see within the service by making them more intuitive and easier to use.

This will be carried out on the back of our ongoing user testing which will include improving:

  • the time it takes to carry out tests
  • the reasons for test passes, failures and cancellations
  • how brake test results are entered
  • how RfRs are presented and found (or not found)

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the MOT testing service please send them to us at

Known issues and workarounds

We’re aware that there are still a few known issues with the MOT testing service and we’re working hard to fix these as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please read our known issues and temporary workarounds guidance to help you work around these problems.

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  1. Comment by DAVE posted on


    • Replies to DAVE>

      Comment by Tony S posted on

      Well it's good practice to keep the paperwork all together in the MOT file, ie; Check list, Emmisions etc.

  2. Comment by Peter posted on

    Surely it can't be too hard to get the system to print a vt29 specifically for the vehicle being tested and i really miss the vsi from the previous system.

  3. Comment by Andy posted on

    bring back the non component related advisory's so we don't have to keep writing all the stuff manually

    • Replies to Andy>

      Comment by john posted on

      same here miss the non component advisory list, saves lots of typing and clearly worded

  4. Comment by kai posted on

    Mot testers should be on at least a 30 thousand pound salary also at the minimum .something must be done about honoring the people that are saving peoples lifes from being in danger.
    surely as Mot testers have to execute vast numbers of mots and make critical decisions they should be recognised like the Doctors, pharmacists etc are.

    • Replies to kai>

      Comment by Tony posted on

      Hi Kai
      Quite agree with wages.
      It's down to all the Testers out there to push for a higher basic at time of interview.
      Forget the Bonus's!!!
      They will pay it or they won't get their Tester

    • Replies to kai>

      Comment by paul posted on

      ...and if testers were paid a 30 thousand pound salary as the minimum would get a Bidet in the workshop to reduce the amount of paper we use

      • Replies to paul>

        Comment by Tony S posted on

        And every one thinks like this you'll always be on low wages.
        Good Managers are starting to see the value in Good Testers.
        I've secured a decent wage, could be better and it will get better, as some of the Testers out there drop out, and they will
        I for one won't settle for a low wage, so it's up to you's.

  5. Comment by tom parker posted on

    text is still too small on printed documents

  6. Comment by tom posted on

    I have a tip for you To get the details .Press control P,at the stage where you have searched and selected your vehicle,Then select 1 page,before you print,and out comes a nice page with all the details and you can use this as your vt40 .You can keep the sheet as before for your records.Too simple for them to have given this option.

    • Replies to tom>

      Comment by paul posted on

      Agreed Tom, understand about paperless...but you got to ensure things are correct, checked & done properly therefore i need a piece of dedicated paperwork like comp1 produced & no less...otherwise your using 2 sheets of paper instead of one, comp2 print screen & a vt40 with brake test entry boxes etc.
      Also agree with James — 17/12/2015
      Checklists need a box to write the make , model and mileage in !!
      Don't disagree with tony — 17/12/2015
      interesting to see the example above is using a tablet. in the perfect world this is ideal, using a tablet as a checklist, filling in results and fails as you test...BUT STILL maintain the need for a summary printout with VSI & data entry boxes as best practice if required

      • Replies to paul>

        Comment by Huw posted on

        Agree with all your points.

  7. Comment by james posted on

    Checklists need a box to write the make , model and mileage in !!

    • Replies to james>

      Comment by Mickgrim posted on

      Just put make and model above reg number ,then mileage on the right of chassis number as we do there's plenty of room.

  8. Comment by tony posted on

    interesting to see the example above is using a tablet. in the perfect world this is ideal, using a tablet as a checklist, filling in results and fails as you test, instead of writing on bits of paper or backs of hands (anything to help save the planet after all) . However it just doesn't work,system times us out, so the two Ipads are sitting in a drawer, and we are using scraps of paper to reduce the amount of paper we use. checklists printed off? some progress. not what we were sold before the roll out.

    • Replies to tony>

      Comment by Tony posted on

      Yes I've been doing this since day one, easier to right click, go to print and then as you say, select page 1.
      Write down mileage, time of start and finish at the end.
      Works well for me.
      Tony S

    • Replies to tony>

      Comment by Tony posted on

      Hi Tom
      Yes I've been doing this since day one, easier to right click, go to print and then as you say, select page 1.
      Write down mileage, time of start and finish at the end.
      Works well for me.
      Tony S

  9. Comment by brian dunn posted on

    this new system is not fit for purpose ,why change , the old system worked well ,and was reliable

  10. Comment by Nicola posted on

    Contingency testing needs to be rolled out nation wide ..... Lots of post offices and the main post office help desk saying the could not tax a car without a barcode on the test paper ?!?! X

  11. Comment by Harish posted on

    The prints are still very small,& RFR boxes are very fine needs to be more bold so it's easy to see.

    • Replies to Harish>

      Comment by JASON GRAVES posted on