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This blog post was published under the 2010-2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Video: New MOT testing service demo

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: MOT testing service, Videos

Here’s a video demo of the new MOT testing service. You'll see some of the screens you'll be using to enter test results when it goes live in 2015.

The screens are based on feedback from members of the MOT trade. If you have any questions or suggestions you can email your feedback to us at

You can pause or rewind the video if you want to take more time to understand specific screens.

If you’re having any problems with the quality of the video and the words appear blurred, you may need to change the streaming quality. You can do this by clicking on the ‘quality’ settings icon  quality settings icon on youtube at the bottom of the video.

Please note that there could be minor changes to these screens before the service goes live.

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  1. Comment by Albert posted on

    Another smoothly executed government project...

    Jobs for the (incompetent) boys I suppose.

  2. Comment by Adam posted on

    What do we with our old smart card and old equipment?

  3. Comment by Derek Pettifor posted on

    We have been on the new system for two weeks, the first day the dvsa system crashed for most of the day. Two days later the system allowed you to complete the test but woudn't print the certificate. Monday this week the system crashed again for most of the day, Tuesday again crashed for most of the day. We only have one third of the mot stations on the system so far how will it perform when all stations are on it? This is costing people money.

  4. Comment by brian hoar posted on

    system rubbish

  5. Comment by Deb posted on

    The switch over has been a mess, over 2hrs to complete and print an mot, what compensation are you going to give small garages

  6. Comment by Stephen posted on

    Dont like the fact that if the system is hacked into then all your details are leaving you open to identity theft!
    Also dont like that there is no option to print a checklist with vehicle details when logging on. Seems we have taken a step back not forward.

  7. Comment by Michael Dean posted on

    What is stopping people from doing a test from there home. I'd like more security from stopping this.

  8. Comment by M.P.Cole posted on

    think you need to get out more 🙂

  9. Comment by Geoff posted on

    the mot charge should be the same at all garages set at full price
    many thanks Geoff & N& G Mots Ltd

  10. Comment by Mutz posted on

    Looking forward to the future

  11. Comment by posted on

    does anyone give a thought to the garages that have never had, or wanted, internet access or computers on their premises, plus the extra cost and hassle of obtaining these, not to mention printers and ancillarys,? there is now also the added risk of break ins solely to steal internet ready computer equipment

    • Replies to>

      Comment by Andy Kay posted on

      It's a fair comment, but unless a garage is MOT & written invoice only, the basic IT equipment required to access the new scheme should probably be an integral part of garage admin, and an auto technicians toolkit in this day and age.

      • Replies to Andy Kay>

        Comment by Louisa Baines posted on

        Unfortunately just because a garage has IT equipment doesn't mean people know how to use it, my boss still hasn't mastered the art of typing with more than one finger yet, and god help us if the printer gets some paper stuck in it!

        • Replies to Louisa Baines>

          Comment by LCB posted on

          Your boss must be related to mine!

          • Replies to LCB>

            Comment by tracey posted on

            and mine - press enter - press enter - oh my days ...

  12. Comment by mr p sittampalam posted on

    thanks for video new mot testing service demo

  13. Comment by George RINGTAIL GARAGE posted on

    Ye its a bit to fast and it would be nice to here a human voice instead off that uncool music
    just to explain it a bit better.

  14. Comment by Alex posted on

    All very good if you have a reliable fast connection, which we haven't !

  15. Comment by Robbie posted on

    Looks good and got to be better and faster then the old dial up modem steam driven way.

  16. Comment by Mal Cummings posted on

    looks workable to me, bring it on. not worried about the six figure code as I have read all the replies.

  17. Comment by ACE EXHAUSTS posted on

    Looks very straight forward ,hope to be live soon.

  18. Comment by Mick miccanic posted on

    Bigger buttons on pass - fail or further apart ?

  19. Comment by Stephen posted on

    Hello GOV. I like the search option that enables you to find rfr's with key words. After reading over other testers coments I'm hoping this system will be thoroughly tested before we have to use it. Looks good though.

  20. Comment by Charlie Price. Automania Garage Ser posted on

    as everybody's comments seem to be the same,we would like to know you obtain the 6 digit code.
    The rest seems straight forward.

    • Replies to Charlie Price. Automania Garage Ser>

      Comment by Matters of Testing posted on

      We mention at the start of the video that 'there could be minor changes to these screens before the service goes live'. The screen that mentions the card and 6 digit code will be changing.

      The code will form part of the updated IT security system which will replace the current smart card system as part of the new MOT testing service.

      We'll be publishing details of how you'll be able to generate your individual code within the next couple of weeks under the MOT Modernisation section on GOV.UK.

  21. Comment by PETER HANSON posted on


  22. Comment by Sue Apps posted on

    Overall, video was informative.Agree with previous comments regarding the six-digit security code. Can the assistant enter the advise/failure details while the test is being conducted?

  23. Comment by Steve Hammond posted on

    Looks nice clear and straight forward. Look forward to using it.

    If your only complaint is about the music, then just turn the volume down 🙂

  24. Comment by Geoffrey j kay posted on

    Can't get a video on screen tried 2 different wy fy spots

  25. Comment by Mike posted on

    I agree with the comments about the passcode at the end, that's a bit vague and needs clarifying.

    • Replies to Mike>

      Comment by Matters of Testing posted on

      We mention at the start of the video that 'there could be minor changes to these screens before the service goes live'. The screen that mentions the card and 6 digit code will be changing.

      The code will form part of the updated IT security system which will replace the current smart card system as part of the new MOT testing service.

      We'll be publishing details of how you'll be able to generate your individual code within the next couple of weeks under the MOT Modernisation section on GOV.UK.

  26. Comment by Keith posted on

    well lets get on with it the sooner the better

  27. Comment by dougie posted on

    as already mentioned . if the average tests take 45 minutes , are you logged on the internet the same . may have to beef up broadband speed and hope for no glitches

  28. Comment by andrew sutton posted on

    Hi guys well donelooks good andy.

  29. Comment by chris posted on

    still unsure where to obtain this 6 digit number will a passcode generator be issued.

    • Replies to chris>

      Comment by Matters of Testing posted on

      The code will form part of the updated IT security system which will replace the current smart card system as part of the new MOT testing service.

      We'll be publishing details of how you'll be able to generate your individual code within the next couple of weeks under the MOT Modernisation section on GOV.UK.

  30. Comment by RONALD D LUMBIS posted on

    very simple and clears up a lot of might be dont like the music though RONALD D LUMBIS ROSTON MOT CENTRE

  31. Comment by A.Lester posted on

    Hi I offer holiday cover to several garages in my area so will I be able to test using my own iPad ?
    How will it know which test station I am testing at ?

    Many thanks

  32. Comment by paul posted on

    looks easy ,but yes how do you get the code?

  33. Comment by Martin posted on

    Great vid spot on seems easy enough

  34. Comment by Peter posted on

    Just wondering what would happen if you lost connection during logging the vehicle in or entering the results ? It seems you are connected to the website for quite a time, during which anything may happen. At present the device stores the data and this is sent as a package which limits any problems.

  35. Comment by martyn posted on

    havent got a clue now was this vidio meant to help

  36. Comment by Kyle h posted on

    I would also like information about the 6 digit code impressed with the search bar though thats a definite improvement

  37. Comment by Martin posted on

    I thought this was very helpful, info needed on how we get are security codes?

  38. Comment by colin posted on

    I would like to know more about this 6 digit code to get it using your card and what it is for as we should already have logged in using a username and a password that nobody else should know

  39. Comment by David posted on

    There are not enough details about obtaining the 6 digit security code. Will these be given before the current system comes to an end.

    • Replies to David>

      Comment by Matters of Testing posted on

      We mention at the start of the video that 'there could be minor changes to these screens before the service goes live'. The screen that mentions the card and 6 digit code will be changing.

      The code will form part of the updated IT security system which will replace the current smart card system as part of the new MOT testing service.

      We'll be publishing details of how you'll be able to generate your individual code within the next couple of weeks under the MOT Modernisation section on GOV.UK.

  40. Comment by Les Reed posted on

    Hi, Found the video quite viewable - full screen/HD - and quite useful and explanatory, but the music! The average AE/NT is probably between 28/50 years of age, and hearing this dire accompanying music - whilst trying to concentrate on the video - is a major flaw I think. I'm sure the average-aged tester wouldn't choose an "indie/grunge/house/R&B/hip-hop music to have playing in the background at work - surely? Cheers, Les R

  41. Comment by andrew foster posted on

    straight forward enough i hope they dont play that awfull music

  42. Comment by Nigel posted on

    Looks Good and straight forward hope to be usung it soon.

  43. Comment by Martin Nunn posted on

    and how do you get your 6 digit security code??

  44. Comment by barry ward posted on

    video can be paused at any time to read the screen

  45. Comment by Jamie Jenkins posted on

    Where does the 6 digit code get generated from? The text says "from your card"

  46. Comment by Anthony Rees posted on

    What card do we use and how do we use it to generate a six digit passcode? This seems to me as the most important change from the old system yet nothing is mentioned in the video.

    • Replies to Anthony Rees>

      Comment by hubert posted on

      i also think the card or six digit code thing needs clarifying

    • Replies to Anthony Rees>

      Comment by Matters of Testing posted on

      We mention at the start of the video that 'there could be minor changes to these screens before the service goes live'. The screen that mentions the card and 6 digit code will be changing.

      The code will form part of the updated IT security system which will replace the current smart card system as part of the new MOT testing service.

      We'll be publishing details of how you'll be able to generate your individual code within the next couple of weeks under the MOT Modernisation section on GOV.UK.

  47. Comment by Jeff Barber posted on

    hi Andrew is right in highest no HD and full page it can't be read what Mahmood is seeing I shudder to think

    • Replies to Jeff Barber>

      Comment by Matters of Testing posted on

      Hi Jeff,

      as we mentioned in an earlier response, it will only appear blurred if it's not in HD. It might be due to your internet connection speed. YouTube automatically adjusts the quality based on your connection speed. We've tried on a few devices and different connections and it isn't blurred, but we know that a few people have had issues with it on a slower connection.

      Sorry we can't do much more to help. Will let you know if we find any other solutions.

      Kind regards.

  48. Comment by dean posted on

    found the video way to fast to look at and learn about the new system need to slow it down a bit for us people who are not computer whizz kids thanks

    • Replies to dean>

      Comment by Matters of Testing posted on

      Hi Dean,

      this video is a general overview / preview to give you a feel of what's to come, rather than giving all the detail. However, you can pause the video on a screen that you want to read and take in more of. You can also jump back or forth to any sections you're interested in. It actually works better that way because you can take a long as you like.

      Thanks for the feedback.

  49. Comment by SHANE posted on


  50. Comment by george posted on

    seems straight forward enough ,

  51. Comment by Andrew Pywell posted on

    Hi, Apart from the terrible lift music, the video is so blurred I cannot see any thing.
    Kind regards
    Andrew Pywell
    Grappenhall Motor Services Ltd

    • Replies to Andrew Pywell>

      Comment by Matters of Testing posted on

      Hi Andrew,

      thanks for your response. I know a few people have had this problem. It might be that the video isn't streaming in HD. You can switch it to stream in HD from the setting icon along the bottom of the video (looks like a cog). Then try putting it into full screen. The text is quite small, so any amount of pixelation will make this look quite blurry.

      Kind regards.

    • Replies to Andrew Pywell>

      Comment by MOTORTEK AUTOENGINEERS posted on

      Hi, The video seems straightforward enough , are we to receive a on-line banking style security code generator ~?
      Also what security measure are to be put in place to prevent less honest Nt's from logging a vehicle test on at home for a friend ??
      I am lucky that I have very trustworthy staff , but I can't be alone in asking this question ?


        Comment by Matters of Testing posted on

        The code will form part of the updated IT security system which will replace the current smart card system as part of the new MOT testing service.

        We'll be publishing details of how you'll be able to generate your individual code within the next couple of weeks under the MOT Modernisation section on GOV.UK.

  52. Comment by mahmood kaid posted on

    wow looks impressive , very sexy